Monday, July 7, 2008

Introducing Strengths

You may have heard of StrengthsQuest or maybe StrengthsFinder. The Gallup organization has done a fantastic job creating one of the best assessment resources I’ve ever encountered. Allow me a moment to introduce you to a tool that I will be referencing from time to time.

Now, if you are anything like me I don’t care much for standardized assessments – they seem to general, too restrictive, and quite frankly… too difficult to use in any real way. StrengthsFinder is anything but those things. It’s creative, unique to each individual, & extremely useful in the workplace.

I will say that Strengths is mostly intended for you to engage those around you but before I spend much more time on the resource I have to encourage you to take the assessment. The cheapest way I’ve found it to purchase Strengths 2.0 online from Amazon and use the code from the book. It is a proprietary resource so each code demands a fee.

Trust me, you will learn to love this assessment. I will cover plenty more on the topic of Strengths in articles to come.

Challenge: Take the StrengthsFinder assessment online and read through your review.

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