Monday, August 11, 2008

Before & After

We are often too consumed in a project to take the time to evaluate it's potential impact, how to measure that impact, and to clearly state our goals. This is in large part due to many of our lives our so last minute driven that we are forced to produce something without necessary strategic foresight.

Take proper time to plan may make all the difference in an effective strategy. One simple way to plan is to evaluate the project on certain criteria before you set out on that project. Develop some means to score the projects current status and then score it again once you have completed the project to benchmark any progress and development.

Observing the status of the before and after can help your team gauge it's effectiveness through a project and give you an opportunity to celebrate an effective success in strategy.

There's a business principle that says, "projects that are unmeasurable are unmanageable". Keep that in mind as you seek to refine and deploy new initiatives, if you haven't set a measurable means for success then you and your team essentially have nothing to manage.

Challenge: Take the time to define your goal and develop a way to assess that goal pre and post project.

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