Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Creating Wealth

As we've been working through issues of social justice I've had time to think about certain perspectives surrounding this whole idea. Now, social justice can certainly be a good thing. But it can also be a bad thing if it's based on the wrong foundations and if it doesn't truly help people in the end. I wish to address the first point here.

The right foundation. There's a perception that if some people are to become wealthy then some others are to be taken from. The perception is such that there's only a certain amount of wealth in existence and for one to have more is for another to have less. And let's honestly consider what social justice means in terms of economics... a level playing field. But here's the marvel of capitalism... it's not about taking wealth from another, it's about creating wealth. This is simple, just think about the establishment of the United States and it's economic power over the past 5-7 decades. Where has that wealth come from? We created it.

The reason I bring social justice into this discussion is that we are careful to define our spheres correctly. If we have false perceptions of wealth and capitalism, then we're responsible to align those correctly to truth.

I'll leave with this thought. We often as, how it is that poverty is created? Shouldn't we be asking how wealth is created first?

1 comment:

Justin Narducci said...


I think that you raise some good points. Wealth certainly isn't the enemy of poverty. Perhaps it is even a solution. However, not all wealth creation is/was done in ethical/moral ways, which brings into question the role for: 1) social justice; and 2) at least a BIG conversation of where the Church needs to fill a gap for those left in the margins (leading back to point 1).

I think that it is encouraging to see 'creative capitalism' emerge as social justice strategy built upon a wealth creating paradigm. Some also may refer to this as Corporate Social Responsibility, or good PR, or whatever. The label isn't as important as the foundation...which calls the Church to all the more be at the forefront of these conversations and movements. My $0.02.


PS - keep it up!