Sunday, July 13, 2008

Engagement Pathway

Many organizations I work with will have bits and pieces of how they engage their clients and constituents. My general observation is that these organizations don’t have these pieces well thought out and certainly haven’t though how they strategically impact the constituent.

This is where we try and map out what that process for clients looks like; and we call that an engagement pathway… the pathway in which you engage your client.

Imagine if you were able to map out a pathway that’s strategic, engaging, measurable, and connected with various resources. That’s the goal every organization should have with it’s clients – to provide a sound experience from start to finish.

Engagement Pathways enable organizations to consistently reach clients with high quality and great resources. Remember the old Benjamin Franklin quote, “Failure to plan is planning to fail”.

Challenge: Consider how you can strategically engage your clients and map that experience for them.

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