Monday, August 25, 2008

More than One

Have you ever shared an idea with someone and when you ask for feedback you can tell they have some thoughts but you also can tell there's a great deal of reservation on their part?

That's very common... and here's why. When you only present one idea to someone then their natural inclination is to associate that idea with you and not to look at it objectively. You are the idea.

A simple solution when you're presenting ideas... present more than one. Now you come to a colleague to share a few ideas and their feedback is measuring an idea against another idea and not against you.

It's a simple practice to help you gather the much needed critical reviews from colleagues.

Who knows, sharing more ideas might fuel a group onto something far greater than you ever could have imagined.

Challenge: Work a little harder to present more than one idea, you'll love the results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have never thought of this before, but I believe that you are correct.