Monday, August 4, 2008

Praise Quickly, Blame Last

So many times the world presents leaders who are quick to accept praise for something and slow to acknowledge blame.

My first point would be that I would have a difficult time considering this person a leader, but the point to be made here is one of character.

This is just one more great place where leaders have the unique opportunity to step up, to be set apart, to make a difference, to model the way, and to set a great example.

When it comes to accepting an accomplishment the leader should be quick to acknowledge his/her team. This is an opportunity for a team to be praised and a leader to deflect things being all about them.

But it's also true for blame or criticism. The leader must be willing to take this on alone in confrontation and then privately coach his/her team.

The principle here is that leaders draw others in with them in praise but should be strong enough to handle criticism for anything inside their area and take responsibility for solving that issue.

This is one of many great opportunity for the leader to step and lead well. Leadership isn't about the accomplishment near as much as it's about the journey of leading people somewhere.

Challenge: Stop and think before you accept praise & criticism - consider what most honors your team and those you work with.

1 comment:

AliciaMarie said...

Well hello there will! I was doing a little research on your company that you told me about, and what exactly you did for focus. It's actually really fascinating what you do. For one, you need facebook....that's what all the kids are doing these days! Anyways, I tried to find you on there...and you definitely aren't on there....anyways, it was good climbing with you. Maybe one day I'll move to Colorado. Anyways, have a wonderful day.

Much love in Christ,
Alicia Blair