Monday, January 19, 2009


Capital is certain an item of great need for people these days and for the expressed intention for business development. All of us have heard pitches for various new concepts and opportunities and most of us will quickly gravitate toward the financial impact of any such idea or proposal. That's a good thing and I consider it usually a perspective of stewardship. But there are ideas worth investing in and worth making the capital initiative to see them work. But how do you get from step A to step X in the process without making the huge investment?

This is where a simple model of "Plan-Pilot-Invest" will come into play for us quite well. The concept is simple.

First, take the time to sit and map out your expectations and goals for your project then develop your strategy plan. Strategic planning takes on many forms, for which I have no intention to invest in here. But there is a process to your planning and a means of engaging others. Proper planning is critical.

Second, take the general framework of your plan and do a pilot on a shoe-string budget to test its validity, engagement, need, etc. Here's a hint... as you are building your strategy take into considering a phase roll-out of your plan. This way you can map out the basic needs up to the luxurious needs. This way you don't have to sacrifice the greater/bigger pieces, they are just in que for future delivery.

Third, once it's been piloted and you've seen the success points you were looking for, then make the pitch for the capital investment and now you'll have some foundation to "sell" your idea or product.

It's simple, but so is the principle. Prove it small then the investment for larger will come. Or better yet... he who is trustworthy with little will be trusted with much.

Challenge: build your strategy in steps and allow a season of piloting before making the big plunge.

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