Monday, August 3, 2009

The Delegation Misconception

Very interesting to me how the idea of delegation is so poorly defined and used in today's world. I believe we mistake the idea of delegation and simply passing off work and assigning it to others. We go even further to reward people who can "delegate" well and consider them leaders.

This is all very systemic in our poor definition of leadership in today's world. Our role as leaders is never to delegate work, but to equip and prepare those people around us. Do leaders share work? Of course, but there's an intent at hand. Great leaders see all sharing of work and good delegation as an opportunity to equip, enable, empower someone.

The greatest investment we can ever make is in people; and we all know that we can't hold on to people forever. So why not make them the best we can while we have them - as a principle of good stewardship.

Delegation is an opportunity to lead and to lead others well - but it must be in terms of equipping them with the tools to be successful and the heart to see them succeed. True delegation is the sign of a great leader. Poor delegation is a sign of no leadership at all.

Take an inventory of your engagement of your team members and consider if you are simply passing off tasks or truly working to equip them well.

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