Monday, October 5, 2009

Stewardship in Leadership

Yes, of course, leadership is stewardship. We should all get that idea rather quickly. But have you ever thought of it from the angle of stewardship being on of the greatest gifts ever given to us - therefore making those who are in positions of leadership in a place of great joy and responsibility?

I've observed many leaders over the years in work, home, and other environments miss this completely. The question must be ask... if you're given a position of leadership, why wouldn't you want to run with that well?

Leadership is a responsibility of stewardship and those of us given that opportunity need to take full advantage of the perspective in that role. And may we never forget that all stewardship is temporary - that's why it's called stewardship. We are entrusted for a season to lead something well and to pass it along to the next team/person well.

May we run well with leadership as we recognize that we are entrusted with it only for a season - there is great strength in realizing our time is limited.

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